Friday, May 21, 2010

Logo For Non-profit!

I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to work on a new logo for Ann Arbor Meals On Wheels!
This project was very exciting for me as I had the benefit of a professional ad-agency Re:Group of Ann Arbor to look over my shoulder through the process! They were very encouraging and gave me some great advice.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Web Banners Are Pretty Fun Too!

I can't imagine what a world without web banners would look and feel would I spend my rainy days?

To the right is a banner
for Cool Garden Things
and below is a banner for my friend who makes cufflets to sell on etsy.

RZWdesign Letterhead and Logo

Designing logo and letter head is quite possibly more fun than anything else in the whole world.

Mock Up CD Package

Wow! Who knew how complicated it can be to fold paper! This is my idea of what a cool CD package could look like!